The Vocational Training Centre “Lepido Rocco”, founded in 1905, manages the vocational training schools situated in the Veneto Region near Venice and more precisely in Motta di Livenza (Treviso), Caorle (Venezia), Pramaggiore (Venezia), Castelfranco Veneto (Treviso) and Lancenigo di Villorba (Treviso).
The members of the Lepido Rocco Foundation are representatives of the handicrafts, industrial and commercial enterprises of Motta di Livenza, together with the Municipality of Motta di Livenza and the current descendants of the founder Lepido Rocco.
A representative of Treviso and Belluno Chamber of Commerce holds a position in the Board of Directors, due to the strong link with trade union associations of companies and workers.
Lepido Rocco Foundation is above all interested in secondary education and offers four-year vocational training courses (III and IV EQF level) as well as retraining and specialization courses for adults.
In particular, Lepido Rocco vocational training centre works in the following sectors:
• Mechanical and Automotive
• Electricity and Electronics
• ICT and Telecommunications
• Tourism and catering
• Wellness
• Web Marketing & Sales
• Graphics
• Wood
• Health care
The user base of the Foundation mainly corresponds to the provinces of Venice, Treviso and Pordenone.
All study programmes provided by Lepido Rocco involve numerous professional laboratory hours, as well as traineeship within a company.
More than 80% of the students who complete vocational training courses at Lepido Rocco finds an employment which is congruent with their study programme.
Besides vocational training courses, Lepido Rocco Foundation provides the services of professional guidance, job placement and apprenticeship.
The Lepido Rocco foundation has also acquired significant experience in the transnational area, where it operates mainly through participation in the initiatives of the European Erasmus+ Program.
Lepido Rocco has been accredited with the Italian National Agency Erasmus+ with the obtainment of the VET Mobility Charter, since 2017
The Foundation is a partner of several National and International VET Associations, such as FICIAP VENETO Srl IS, Scuola Centrale di Formazione, Forma Veneto, XARXA e ENNE
Certifications and accreditations
Regione Veneto – Organismo di Formazione Accreditato
Sistema Qualità Certificato EN ISO 9001:2015
Vet Charter
Corpo Europeo del Volontariato
Label Lingue 2020